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Ancestral Birth Practices Live on today, they are NOT Dead… Only Hidden.

Here you can educate yourself on the practice of Traditional Birth as well as gain support with your own personal choice to Birth Naturally. Learn about historical and current traditional birth workers and practices.


Sophiah Visits Mama Florence

We take time to visit a village in Kisumu, Kenya. Here we meet a tradtional birth attendant by the name of Florence. She has attended SEVERAL births over the years. She shares her story with us.

Sophiah Brings Supplies to the TBA’s

While in Kenya, we learned that one of the biggest concerns but from the Ministry of Health and the TBAs themselves was the lack of sanitary supplies. With limited resources we shopped for and delivered as many supplies as we could to the (4) TBAs we came to know.

Our Visit with Mama Margaret

We were honored to meet a very unique woman who says she is beyond a Traditional Birth Attendant. She is described as a Divine Birth Attendant and she explained exactly why that is so!

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Get Back to Nature With a Natural Birth

Nature is the great healer. We are a product of nature and we should honor our fore-mothers and fore-fathers (Ancestors) by living in harmony with the Earth/Heart. What better way to do that then to bring forward the fruit of the womb Naturally? Future generations of children are depending on us to uphold nature’s laws again.


Health Is Wealth

Did you know that you can eat your way to good health? Everything that you put into your body has an effect on every aspect of your babies development, check out our manual for helpful information to support you with a happy HEALTHY pregnancy and beyond.


Click any of the links below to find out more about Cleansing and Detoxing your body.