Placenta Care Instructions
After you have delivered beybee you can sit/lay and resc in that spot and injoy your new beybee, no need to deliver the placenta immediately after unless that is how your body is responding or you’re just ready to get cleaned up and in bed.
Delivering the placenta is usually one good push but it is also normal to take more than that and feels AMAZING coming out because you are already dilated and th placenta has no bones! Just grab a bowl and place it directly under your Yoni and catch the placenta. Be sure to keep beybee close as beybee and placenta are one.
After Delivering th Placenta:
Mama and Beybee:
I usually suggest that mama take a shower, put on adult diaper and get into something comfortable to resc in. While mama is getting cleaned up we take th beybee to the bedroom. Dress them and wrap them in warm receiving blanket all ready for mama.
I place th placenta on a chuck pad or absorbant pad and wrap et up (See Photo). I keep the placenta on the bed aligned with the beybees body so beybee can continue to receive all nutrients from the placenta. After an hour or so you can place the entire pad and placenta back into a bowl.
After about 12 hours or next day: (Depending on time of day beybee was born)
Beybee: The umbilical cord will begin to dry and stiffen pretty quickly. It may fall off within 3 to10days. Ets best to leave the area alone where the cord is attached but some light cleaning is also alright if you deem necessary. A Q tip and coconut oil will do the job, some people also use a little GoldenSeal or Witch Hazel. All depends on what your intuition leads to, use your own discernment.
Placenta: Time to dress the placenta! Yayyy. Lol. Using gloves you take the placenta (and beybee) to the sink. Use very low pressure water and gently remove access blood and clots from The placenta. Turn the placenta mother side out (inside out) and rinse as much as you can. Going back to a comfortable space you can then pat the placenta dry and put et in the center of a chuck pad. Now you should be able to see the beeyoutiful tree of life on the placenta!
How amazing right? After you're done admiring the beauty of the placenta, taking pictures and what not you can place the placenta (wrapped in chuck pad) inside the placenta pouch, basket or whatever carrying device you have chosen to use until the cord falls off.
Dressing the Placenta: Make sure to have the placenta in the center of the pouch and that all sides of the chuck pad are covering the material or sides of your carrying device so that they don't get bloody and/or salt/herbs don't leak through. Pour kosher sea salt generously on top and sides of placenta covering the placenta completely until all you see is salt. Th salt is what is going to dehydrate the placenta and support in drying quicker. Don't be shy. After you have salted the placenta you can place your herb mixture or herbs one by one of your choosing. Do this with thought and intention. Lavender, Chamomile all good smelling herbs will support in masking the smell of the placenta as et ages. You can collect things from your yard, garden or use citrus peels too!
After Placenta has Fallen Off:
Once the placenta falls off you can now choose where to bury et. Some people bury et in the garden, others near a tree and some bury it at the roots when planting a new tree. Totally up to you. Burying the placenta attaches the beybee to the land and to your ancestors. Spiritually our ancestors have been doing this for many MANY years.
I’m willing that this helps many, as with anything please do your own research and follow your guidance within.
Your humble servant,
Sophiah Anu Sol Bey